Coffee tables

Resin coffee table is nowadays an essential part of the modern interior design. It is used by household members every day but also by the guests, so it should be not only pleasing to the eye but also as functional as possible. Such furniture—exceptionally original and durable, custom-made with particular precision—can be found at Malita Just Wood.

We offer stylish wooden coffee tables for the living room, in any shape. The simplicity and elegance of table tops made of solid wood or filled with coloured resin go hand-in-hand with the robust support of the furniture structure on metal legs. For us, the beauty is synonymous to what the nature tells us, that is why each of our coffee tables made of wood and resin is a combination of the natural beauty of wood with the modern manufacturing technology.

custom resin coffee tables Sublimis

Terra Coffee Table

104 x 46

stolik kawowy Mare orzech europejski i niebieska żywica

Mare Coffee Table

100 x 60 x 46

kawowy stolik Carus z niebieską żywicą epoksydową

Carus Coffee Table

70 x 40 x 46

custom resin coffee tables Sublimis

Sublimis Coffee Table

100 x 60 x 46

Animus Coffee Table

120 x 70 x 46

drewniana ława Locus ze wstawkami błękitnego hartowanego szkła

Locus Coffee Table

100 x 60 x 46

Parvus Coffee Table

100 x 60 x 46

epoxy resin burn wood coffee table

Jen Coffee Table

110 x 70 x 46

epoxy resin burn wood coffee table

Burm Coffee Table

100 x 60

drewniane stoliki kawowe Ars z żywicą

Ars Coffee Table

110 x 70 x 46

dębowy stolik kawowy Egregius w stylu industrialnym

Egregius Coffee Table

90 x 46

custom resin tables cinis

Cinis Coffee Table

120 x 70 x 46

stol duo z zywicy

Duo Tables

75 x 55

 55 x 46

stolik kawowy Vitrum ze szklanym blatem idealny do salonu

Vitrum Coffee Table

120 x 60 x 45

Semper Coffee Table

100 x 60 x 46

Puella river oak coffee table with colorless resin

Sabi Coffee Table

90 x 43

Puella river oak coffee table with colorless resin

Puella Coffee Table

80 x 46

walnut coffee table Ferro with crystal resin

Ferro Coffee Table

80 x 46

modern Moon big coffee table with resin

Moon Coffee Table

90 x 46

stoliki kawowe Cataracta z elementami szkła w kolorze grafitowym

Cataracta Coffee Table

120 x 60 x 45

stolik kawowy Salus 120x70 drewno ze szkłem

Salus Coffee Table

120 x 70 x 46

epoxy black coffee table

Planetae Coffee Table

70 x 50

stolik kawowy Ventus z drewna i zielonej żywicy

Ventus Coffee Table

65 x 65 x 46

stolik Aqua z drewna orzecha europejskiego

Aqua Coffee Table

90 x 46

lakierowany stolik Dignus ze zdobieniami z żywicy

Dignus Coffee Table

110 x 46

elegancki stolik Fluvius drewniano-szklany

Fluvius Coffee Table

80 x 46

circum round coffee tables with an oak top

Circum tables

d. 70 x 55

d. 50 x 46